Thursday, May 22, 2008

Study Circles

INRC Wins Video Award

INRC was encouraged to apply to a video contest offered by Everyday Democracy (formerly Study Circles Resource Center). The contest was for a submission of a video, 3-5 minutes in length, highlighting the impact of Study Circles in our community. Last week, we received an email notice that our submission was selected as the winner! In addition to great publicity and recognition of the success of Study Circles across Indianapolis, INRC won $1,000.

We'll use the $1000 prize for more training around digital storytelling and using video to tell the story of Study Circles here in Indianapolis. Below is part of the Everyday Democracy newsletter blast announcing the winner with a link to the video now showing on their YouTube site.

And, the winner of our "Making Every Voice Matter" YouTube video contest is...

Congratulations to the Indianapolis Neighborhood Resource Center on winning $1,000 for its video submission! The video shows that all kinds of people are having a voice in improving Indianapolis neighborhoods. Read more

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