Monday, May 5, 2008

Call for Facilitators


Southeast Resident Facilitators

Need for 12 facilitators from Southeast to facilitate conversations and meet families and friends that attend the Neighborhood Ice Cream Social hosted by SENSE. The conversations consist of asking families their interests and participation with future Family Network Nights.

The WHEN: Saturday, May 10, 2008

The TIME: 10:30 a.m. – 1 p.m.

Assignments and instruction information begins at 10:40 a.m.

The WHERE:1601 South Barth Avenue


The HOW: Mingling through the event and engage in short conversation with at least 4 families (questions listed below) on what their interests are and how to make family network nights a value to them and their children.

The questions

1) Why did you decided to come to the Ice Cream Social?

2) How did you learn about the Ice Cream Social?

3) We want to continue these types of neighborhood family activities and given what you’ve seen today (food, fun, games, a relaxed atmosphere, music, resources)………………

...a) What would get you to come back to these activities?
...b) What is the best use of your time/your children’s time?

4) Considering what you know about other family nights, what would you like to see added to this one in our neighborhood? (for example: what type of resources, more scheduled family time activities, what type of family supports activities, parenting ideas) ?

5) We need parents to help with the planning of these neighborhood family activities. Can you help (no more than 2-3 hours every other month) to plan Family Network Night? We will have childcare, dinner and transportation?


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